
Wallonia is full of great attributes but needs us to make them known! It's by communicating our region's positive points that we'll be able to increase its appeal.

I'm from Wallonia and my activity resonate internationally.

I was welcomed in the network of Wallonia.be brand ambassadors and now continue contributing to the development of our region.

Ambassador of the DIGITAL ECONOMY

For 20 years, I have carried out a permanent technological watch in the digital sector, new technologies and innovations bet on the market.

I have been sharing this expertise with Walloon and foreign companies for almost 13 years, while putting them in touch when I identify technological and economic opportunities allowing for international links between Walloon and foreign ecosystems.

This activity, combined with a very close collaboration with AWEX and many Economic and Commercial Attachés during the operational implementation of international exhibitions as well as economic missions, ​​led my previous employer to qualify this role by the attribution of the title of "Technology Intelligence Analyst - ICT Sector promotion (national & international)"

My new functions, back in the private sector, still allow me to have numerous international contacts as well as to carry out various missions abroad during which, I continue to promote the high Walloon technological expertise in the sector. digital technology than our companies in the Digital Wallonia ecosystem.

Proud representative of Wallonia around the world

As an entrepreneur in the digital sector, at the origin of 3 Walloon startups. But also as a previous representative of the Walloon public sector through my expert roles within the Digital Agency (former Walloon Telecommunications Agency), the development and implementation of the Digital Wallonia plan, but also through my role as Ambassador of the ecosystem of Walloon and Belgian TECH startups through AWEX and Startup.be

Finally, the various collaborations with AWEX and a significant number of Economic & Trade Counselors, on many continents (US, EU, APAC), within the framework of foreign investment missions and promotion of the Walloon territory as a foothold for the 'establishment of a European activity enhanced by relevant collaborations (or partnerships) with local companies or research and development organizations.

Convinced of Wallonia's potential

I am firmly convinced that the Walloon territory offers many advantages vis-à-vis other European regions:

The quality of its entrepreneurs, the many economic activity zones and new initiatives to support the development of entrepreneurship (eg coworking network, creative hub, THD plan, etc.), the various sources of funding (public and private) and aid or subsidies for technological innovation / creation of economic value, the institutional agents from Walloine.be (SPW-DGo6) as well as local teams or AWEX posted abroad, etc. are all values which are important to me and which I continue to promote during my contacts / trips abroad and the digital ecosystems (private and public) that I meet there

In addition, my activities once again drives me to be an actor in the development of certain international standards concerning information and communication technologies (IoT, SmartCity, FTTx, SmartHome, etc.) within an organization renowned such as ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union) and thus also promote this Walloon High Tech expertise on this very closed scene of the development of TELECOM standards

International trade & economic mission

Collaborations with the Walloon Office of Foreign Trade for various ICT investments projects ranging from few hundred thousand € to a few Million €. Support to foreign SME / International Organisations in finding partners, businesses and collaborations as well as the appropriate locations and related legislation/policies (local & EU levels) to setup a Belgian branch office.


Collaborations with the Agence Wallonne à l’EXportationand Walloon Infopole Cluster TIC for various International (Europe, Asia, USA, South America) Trade show and economic (regional, federal) trade missions.

Support to SME in finding partners, customers, suppliers as well as innovation thru the sharing of the permanent technology watch on ICT and related legislations/policies (local & international levels).

ICT Guided Tour

Along various Federal, Regional or Ministerial Belgian Economic Mission, the “ICT Guided Tour” are technology, business development and fund-raising missions. They illustrate the latest innovations from the Digital Ecosystem while leveraging partnerships, commercial agreements and startups investment.

These technology focuses economical mission have been going across the globe on

  • Asia (2011, 2015)

  • United States of America (2013, 2015)

  • North America (2014)

We are transforming Wallonia

Wallonia’s digital strategy, platform and brand, DIGITAL WALLONIA sets the framework for all of the Walloon Government’s actions in terms of Wallonia’s digital transformation. Its is a program which sets public policy priorities and objectives and provides a framework for support for private initiatives in favour of digital technology.

I took part to the authoring of the first plan (2015-2018) within the Cyber Security, Industries 4.0 and Smart Cities task forces.

There are five major themes that shape Wallonia’s digital ambition/

  1. Digital sector

  2. Digital business

  3. Skills and education

  4. Public Services

  5. Digital territory

Proudly supporting Walloon municipalities

Technical writing, offer analysis and award of contract for numerous projects among (LAN, WLAN, WAN) telecom infrastructure, DataCenter, ICT security & IP telephony platform.